Estate Sale Consultant In Roanoke VA

Thinking about having and estate sale in Roanoke VA or liquidating the contents of an estate with Vintage or Antique (Or High End Valuable) Items in it?

Estate sales are typically used when you are selling everything in a home and have a lot of stuff to sell. If you have half a garage full of stuff an estate sale may not be the perfect solution but selling your Vintage Items outright to us may be an option for that. BUT – If you have a house full of stuff and items are packed in the basement, garage, sheds, attics, and there seems to be too much for a typical garage sale, then you may need our help.

We are not your average estate sale company. We specialize in Vintage items, Antiques, Collectibles, and more. Our expertise is within the Vintage/Antique/Retro world, e are also very familiar with liquidating business inventory and supplies.

We offer full service estate sales options (We get paid a % of your sale) in Roanoke VA and consulting services in Roanoke and other areas (We charge a flat fee or % depending). A full service estate sale is where we come in an sort, organize, clean-up, price and display everything in your home for sale this includes advertising the estate sale aggressively and having staff there to manage the sale itself on the “sale dates”.

Our estate sale consulting service is a bit different. This is where we act as a consultant and help you with most aspects of an estate sale behind the scenes. As a consultant we can save you money and help you make more money many ways which we will explain below in a moment. As for an estate sale consulting arrangement we help you identify valuables, offer appraisals, give pricing recommendations, help you plan your sale, help with sale layout, show you ho to accept credit cards easily, and most importantly we show you how to get the max number of shoppers to your sale! As a consultant you are basically hiring us for the knowledge and tricks we know to have a successful and profitable estate sale.

Estate Sale Pricing Service – This stand alone service is where you hire us to come in and identify valuables and help you price the items to actually sale. This includes appraisals and treasure hunt services where we sift through your items and separate hit sellers or high value items that you may not have noticed. We will/can actually price/tag very item in your home. Our pricing service can save you tons of money and increase your sales in a big way. 

Remember we specialize in : Vintage Items, Antiques, Collectibles, Old Knives, Firearms, Coins, Vintage Jewelry, Precious Metal (Gold/Silver), Vintage Toys. Old Tools, Old Signs, Industrial, Railroad Items, Old Paper Items, Old Postcards/Photos and more. 






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