Old Signs Wanted – Sell Old Signs In Roanoke – Antique Buyer In Roanoke VA
Have old signs, thermometers, coolers, o any interesting vintage advertising items in the Roanoke Area *50 Miles Radius??? e buy old advertising items and entire collections or estates of old items.
Brand: The brand a particular sign is advertising for is also an important component to value, many collectors will focus on one or two brands to build their collection around, so someone trying to get a sign for their brand that may seem otherwise unimportant can get increased value if there is a large group of collectors focused on that brand, this is part of the reason so many gas and oil signs sell for such high prices. Conversely, a brand that is not very well known or that doesn’t have much of a following will reduce the value of that sign since there just isn’t the same demand, all else being equal.
Size: The size of porcelain signs is a big factor in value. The most valuable signs will be in the 30″-42″ range since that is a size that is fairly easy to display, but still has good eye appeal from distance. Larger signs tend to sell at a relative discount the bigger they get, since there is so much hassle in transporting and displaying them. Similarly, smaller signs also tend to sell at a discount simply because they don’t look as commanding on a wall. However, some niche areas such as porcelain door pushes or pump plates generate great value but still don’t have the high ceiling you see in the size “sweet spot”. This is just a general guideline of course, there are incredibly valuable signs at all sizes but this is a good guideline to pay attention to.
Condition: As with all types of collectibles, condition is king. In some cases a sign in near-mint condition can bring ten times the value of the same sign as a grade 6 or 7. Additionally, condition increases the value at an almost exponential rate where the difference between a grade 8 and grade 9 is much larger than the difference between a grade 7 and grade 8.